Read first-hand accounts of your school's inclusivity of various minority groups, write anonymous reviews, and suggest improvements!
Diversity University (DU) is an unique online platform that provides historically under-represented groups a safe place to leave an honest review about their university experience. While institutions often pride themselves on their student body's diversity, many minority students feel isolated and unsafe on campus. In fact, according to the National Survey of Student Engagement, nearly 40% of Native American college students felt like did they not belong on campus. Black students are twice more likely to report feeling physically unsafe than their white counterparts, and "first-generation, African-American, and Hispanic or Latino students were more likely to have difficulty getting help with their course work than their peers." We cannot overlook these concerning numbers, and it's time that higher education officials do more than utilize minority students as "tokens of diversity" and commit more into building a community.
Here at DU, we aim to share true experiences of what's it like studying at a PWI (predominately white institution) with prospective students. As current minority students have a safe space to anonymously share their stories, they may also leave any resources for others like them, suggest improvements, and discover similar narratives. It's important to note that our website does not only serve racial minorities, but also female, LGBTQ+, and non-Christian students. Our goal is to simply help current and future minority students find a welcoming atmosphere on campus while pressuring officials to do a better job. After all, post-secondary education is a crucial stepping stone for many students, and everyone should feel safe and included there.